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Re: calvary investments

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Posted by beamrider ( on October 26, 2002 at 00:51:18:

In Reply to: Re: calvary investments posted by Cadra on October 25, 2002 at 20:27:58:

I respectably comment on Cadra's statements:

1. Cavalry Investments is defined as a third party debt collector and must fully comply with the FDCPA. Check your FTC opinion letters and case law. Buying the debt or having it assigned makes no difference and they are absolutely not the original creditor in any sense.
2. I agree, debts can be bought and sold at any time.
3. Cavalry must validate the account if requested and proof of their ownership of the account is part of the validation process. They court would also require this in the event of civil action.
4. If Cavalry validated properly (highly unlikely) you can take your chances on civil action or make your best deal. I basically agree with your statement.
5. Agreed, everything in writing, no phone call follow up because you accept no phone calls from them or make any phone calls to them and yes, all of your correspondence by CRRR.
6. Regarding license, maybe or maybe not, depends on the state although they most likely must be registered as a foreign corporation in most states.
7. False threats are of course violations of FDCPA and can be litigated. Most state Consumer Protection Departments go through the State Attorney General's Office. The State Attorney General's Office will very rarely intervene on a personal level without a criminal act, however will frequently assist with mediation in civil matters.
8. Cavalry has three centers, Phoenix, Arizona; Hawthorne, New York and the recently purchased First Credit Solutions in Oklahoma City. My dealings with them have been through Phoenix office.

When contacted by them I immediately required validation. I then disputed with CRA's. Cavalry Investments was deleted from all reports. They folded in record time - At least so far....

Then again....I could be wrong....

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